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Hello, Has writing a book about your journey through life (an autobiography) or the business world crossed your mind but you cannot find the right words or the time to dedicate to writing?  My name is Uzezi and I love to write and put life into the words of others, as I express their thoughts and ideas in their voice .    Get Editing and Publishing Services Here Get One-On-One guidance to Write Your Book yourself in 30 Days Here Get Book Designers, Graphics Work, Illustrators Here Print Your Book Here Beyond the words of my clients, I research other details related to them or their work and if necessary, add such to enrich whatever work I have been commissioned to do. I would love to offer my services to you as a ghostwriter... Telling your experience in the industry you find yourself and all that you have learnt; the dos and the don’ts or a ‘How To’ book Challenging life events Addressing whatever misconceptions people have about you And others…    ...


I have been so busy that I have missed out of a lot. Including the ability and fun to blog. I thought I was ready for the year, but with the way things are going, I am beginning to think. There must be something wrong why I can’t seem to get my act together. In as much as there are so many activities I am presently involved in; the YPI (Young Professionals Impact), currently coming on strong and becoming, I am not the very hard working girl I used to be. I have absolutely no idea why I am so distracted from everything around me. Nothing seems to interest me; not even a new job I got that I just couldn’t bring myself to begin. Am I scared of the new challenges or what? This looks like a fear of moving ahead and I am surprised it is happening to me, because I am good at motivating myself to move and work. So just what the hell is happening to me? Do I need a shrink now? Maybe I will talk to Amina (my colleague) who read psychology. And of course, like the Pussycat Dolls, I’m just going to Stick with God all through.